4 Pillars: Books from the Echolocation Project
Echolocating a Book by Borges
On Science and Wonder, Art and Artifice, Religion and Djinn, by Strange and Bedfellowes
What to do with Knowledge, or How to Burn a Book at a Coronation
The Consequences of Sowing Dragon's Teeth, or On Being 'More Quacksalver than Savant'
2007 - 2008
This series of 4 books deals with a Borgesian view of reality, science, art, and language. From using string theory and quantum physics, to the arcane science of scholars like Kircher from the 16th century, these books explore ideas from the cultural genocide of imperialism to the vagaries of language, and the natures of archived collections, especially libraries. The reader is like a blind bat, using echolocation to find echoes in the text and images that will resonate within their repositories of memories and knowledge.
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(click to enlarge thumbnails)